sábado, fevereiro 12, 2005

Reality Check

Sign: Pisces;
Element: Water;
Gender: Male;
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual;
MB Personality traits: INTJ (but the J is not very strong, could easily become a P depending on the mood)

Theological: Agnostic - There is something above us, it just isn't the God everyone talks about;
Political: Libertarian to the point of being almost anarchist (capitalist though);
Likes: Friends, swimming, sunny afternoon in a seaside coffee house;
Dislikes: Crowds; sticking out in the crowd; confusion;

Health Condition
Excellent, a little out of shape - working on it;

Present view on life
Very very optimistic; happy about life; establishing middle term goals; enjoying; very confident; feeling nothing can bring me down; always with a smile on;

Emotional status

Book on the bedside: Girlfriend on a coma - Coupland; Who says elephants can´t dance - Gerstner;
Car parked outside: Opel Signum;
Radio station on: Radar FM 97.8;
Music of the moment: Miss Sarajevo U2;
Film: anything by Tarantino;
Food: anything goes;
Friend's blogs:
O efeito da maresia nas nossa vidas ;
A cafeteira;
Conversas ao lanche;
Inutel Inside;
Guia das cagadeiras de Portugal;